Physical description

Set of 8 photographs taken by Warren Doubleday on 16/4/1999 of moving the ex SEC bike, bicycle, shed to Bungaree. On Kodak paper.

1101.1 - stacking the roofing materials onto a hired trailer.

.2 - shed ready to be lifted.

.3 - lifted and then placed waiting and waiting for the truck.

.4 - Crane and truck with shed arriving Bungaree.

.5 - Lifting shed off the truck.

.6 - ditto

.7 - placing shed into position onto the stumps.

.8 - Carolyn and Anita chopping up the in front of the house, that had about two weeks before parted from the main trunk.

See also Reg. No. 1094 and 1095 for other photos of the move.