Physical description

Set of three black and white photographs of activities around the tramway during November 1998 sent to the Editor of Trolley Wire - used in the February 1999 issue of Trolley Wire. All photos by Richard Gilbert. Photos taken early November 1998.

1145.1 - photo of the old fare signs with caption on the rear "Retirement at last for the Museum's original tram ride signs, in service for over twenty years, and looking like it. With the fare rise to $2 / $1 new signs were introduced."

1145.2 - Photo of crew in front of tram 26 with caption on the rear "On Springfest Day in early November, Motorman O'Neil and Conductor Giles on car 26, ready for the onslaught." - photo taken 1/11/1998.

1145.3 - photo equipment on trolley being moved around with caption on the rear - "The motor cases of car 33 are currently residing on the trolley for cleaning. Here they are being relocated to the bottom of 3 road by Al and Dave, with assistance from our youngest and keenest worker, Danny Edwards."

Inscriptions & markings

All have captions written on back in blue ink (as noted in description) and "Richard Gilbert" in bottom right hand corner, and cropping marks in blue ink on rear.