Physical description

1302.1 - A4 size, 88 page report on Melbourne's tram and bus system produced by 'Tram & Bus Strategic Review Committee' in May 1992. Report printed on white paper, with blue covers, stapled on sides. Report examines cross linking of trams routes and many other recommendations regarding services, union awards, ticketing, opportunities for expansion, reliability, revenue impacts, driver only trams, workplace reform, staffing, revenue protection and tourism opportunities. Note the report has been mis-bound with pages out of order eg 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5 etc. Gives a series of recommendations, few of which were implemented in reality.

1302.2 - A4 size - approx. 200 page document with blue covers - appendix to the above report. List of appendices given in 1302.1.

Appendix No.

1 - Left/right turn priority at intersections

2 - draft structural efficiency proposal

3 - selection and training procedures report

4 - absenteeism report

5 - cost study of W and Z class trams

6 - Trams in Melbourne - AGB Australia Consultants

7 - Proposed tram and bus depot - South Melbourne - Detailed evaluation

8 - Depot and Route vehicle composition

9 - Options and Feasibility study of Additional W class trams in Melbourne.