Ephemera - Ticket/s, Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM), Block of 100 tickets - 1/, Dec. 1990


Demonstrates the Museums phasing out of tickets priced for the actual fare and conversion to a universal ticket that does not have to be changed for a fare increase.

Physical description

Block of 100 tickets - green ink on off white paper, denomination 1/- (1 shilling), headed Ballarat Vintage Tramway. On rear in green ink are details of the Ballarat Tramway Museum, slogan and web address. The 100 tickets have been stapled onto a heavy cardboard back with a heavy metal staple and a small cardboard retaining strip at the top of the ticket.

1622 - A00001 to A00100 (the first block collected at the time of issue 3/1/1991 - 81H x 36H

1622.1 - A20601 to A20700 - 2nd print run of tickets, collected at the time of issue - 25/7/1993 - 81H x 33H

1622.2 - A70801 to A70900 - 3rd print run of tickets, collected at time of issue 1/2001 - 82H x 37W

The tickets are in the style of the former State Electricity Commission of Victoria tramway tickets. The 1/- tickets used for Adult passengers, to save printing new tickets each time the fares changed. Commenced used end Jan. 1991.

See Reg Item 5964 for the fourth run of the 1/- and 6d tickets.

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