
Yields information about the style and printing of tickets used in Ballarat and Bendigo tramways and how they were presented.

Physical description

1721 - Block of 200 tickets - black ink on off white paper, denomination 13c, lettered B278000 to B 278199, headed State Electricity Commission of Victoria, Provincial Tramways. On rear in black ink is a SEC advertisement "ELECTRICITY makes life easier" with the SEC's little boy wrapped in a towel logo. The 200 tickets have been stapled onto a heavy cardboard back with a heavy metal staple and a small cardboard retaining strip at the top of the ticket. The ticket number is in black ink.

1721.1 - ditto - B276200 to 276399

1721.2 - ditto - B282400 to 282599

See reference file for further information. Note. The 13c ticket was green from 1/9/1966 until the fare change in Jan. 1969. Whether stocks of green tickets were used prior to the introduction of the black tickets is not known as at April 2001 and See ticket file and printed document - "Fare Charts and Tickets - SEC Ballarat and Bendigo Tramways".