Physical description

Set of 11mixed Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board tickets donated to the Museum. Tickets have been used and have varying degrees of dirt. The image file (btm1771i1) shows the nature of the damage. Tickets have not been individually numbered with the Registration Number, but can be identified by their ticket number and denomination. All have a Stamina Self supporting trousers advertisement on rear, same style but with differing thought for the month - see image btm1771i2.

All MMTB pre decimal tickets with all ticket number other outfit letter number in black ink.

4d - C Tg 039562 and 039563 black printing on buff paper.

6d - B Kb 283748 red printing on off white paper

7d - B O 709900 green printing on off white paper

7d - C H 023894 black printing on orange paper

8d - A G 317522, purple printing on off white paper, B J 552170 and A J 528021.

9d - B E 364846, black printing on white paper, D E 899478 and D E 863509.