Physical description

Newspaper cutting from The Courier, Ballarat 19/6/1972 of the moving of tram 26 into the depot. Has photo of tram 26 being moved into the depot using steel channels and rails on their side. Also Bob Davies crane in photo assisting with move.

The method of moving 26 was slow and difficult, having derailed it at the depot access road and dragged it up the road and then onto steel channels pushing it into the shed. Information to members for June-July 1972 gives the moving date as 16 June and completed on 17 June. The other trams were not moved until temporary track had been laid between the depot and the kerb in Wendouree Parade, roughly along the same route as the depot access track. The September 1972 issue gives full details of the move and the date. The photo was taken on Sat. 17 June.

See Reg Item No. 1858 for Courier Print of the photo.

Second copy added 5/11/2018 from donation of Glenise Kellett.

See Information for Members (BTPS) - June-July 1972 and Sept. 1972.

Inscriptions & markings

"June 19 -1972" in top right hand corner
