Physical description

Set of 14 mixed SEC and BTPS tickets donated to the BTM as a set 1/7/2001. Tickets except for the BTPS ones have note been used. The image file shows the group of tickets. Tickets have not been individually numbered with the Registration Number, but can be identified by their ticket number and denomination.

Most of the SEC tickets have the SEC logo "Electricity makes life easier! and small boy wrapped in a towel on the back, unless otherwise noted. All on off white (tending to a very light brown) paper unless otherwise noted with ticket numbers in black except for parcels ticket.

4c - C 355628 - red

5c - B 639028 - yellow

7c - C848828 - turquoise

8c - A939628 - green

10c - C818228 - black

13c - B279228 - black

15c - A388828 - off reddish brown

16c - A565428 - yellow

18c - A417828 - brown

5c - A372838 - City Section, orange, with tartan back

7c - A077828 - City Section, purple, with tartan back

SEC Provincial Tramways 13c - Parcel Ticket - A 007101 (2 part ticket - see Reg. Item No. 1727 for further details)

BTPS - 30c - A24310 - purple with BTPS information on back

BTPS - 5c - over stamped with black 50c - A030052, plain back.