Physical description

Set of 13 colour slides, 7 on Kodak cardboard mounts and 6 on Agfa colour plastic mounts.

.1 - Bendigo Trust, Birney trams 28 and 30 at Central Deborah Mine terminus. No. 30 has a 3BO Roof advertisement.

.2 - ditto

.3 - ditto with the Central Deborah mine and buildings in the background.

.4 - No. 30 inbound in High St. with Sacred Heart Cathedral in the background (spire under construction)

.5 - Nos. 30 and 28 crossing at Charing Cross with the Fountain Plaza building and the fountain in the background.

.6 - No. 28 north bound in Pall Mall, after leaving Charing Cross with the Shamrock Hotel in the background.

.7 - Photo showing track and centre poles in View St. looking west - no overhead. Has AMOCO service station near McKenzie St.

.8 - No. 28 taken from cab of No. 30, in McCrae St, at end of double track.

.9 - No. 28 turning from McCrae St. into Nolan St.

.10 - No. 28 in Nolan St. with Lake Weeroona rowing sheds in the background.

.11 - No. 19 in now Tramway Ave (then Arnold St.) running into depot

.12 - No. 19 outside Bendigo depot

.13 - ditto

Slides taken by Peter Moses, during the winter of 1974 (no leaves on the trees).

Inscriptions & markings

On the rear of all the slides "P. Moses" in black ink.

.1 - "1974 Bendigo Central Deborah Mine" in blue ink and in red ink “16”.

.2 - "1974 Bendigo two Birney cars / Central Deborah Mine" in blue ink and in red ink “18”.

.3 - "1974 Bendigo trams at Central Deborah Mine" in blue ink and in red ink “17”.

.4 - "1974 Bendigo High St / tram near Sacred Hearth Cathedral" in blue ink and in red ink “15”.

.5 - "1974 Bendigo two Birney cars / Charing Cross" in blue ink and in red ink “20”.

.6 - "1974 Bendigo No. 28 Pall Mall" in blue ink and in red ink “8”.

.7 - "1974 Bendigo / Old Tramline View St." in black ink and in red ink “5”.

.8 - "1974 Bendigo, McRae St. (Pall Mall)" and in red ink "9".

.9 - "1974 Bendigo, Lake Weeroona, / tram " and in red ink "10".

.10 - "1974 Bendigo, Lake Weeroona" and in red ink “11”.

.11 - "1974 Bendigo / Outside depot" and in red ink “24”.

.12 - "1974 Bendigo / Outside depot" and in red ink “25”.

.13 - "1974 Bendigo / Depot" and in red ink “26”.