
Demonstrates aspects of the SEC ticketing, governance and monitoring systems. The Pass or ticket could be issued to a SEC staff member to enable travel on the tramways while on business. Style remained very similar to the end of the tramways.

Physical description

Six blocks of SEC Provincial Tramways "Staff Ticket" and four individual tickets.

Individual tickets printed on heavy dark grey (Grey 200 gsm card) with black printing. Ticket blocks consist of 50 printed tickets, with stubs, stapled with red cardboard covers.

Ticket good for single trip only, of use by employees when travelling on Commission's business.

Form No. TYE-2-19. Not known when printed, possibly 1960's maybe earlier.

2101.1 - Aa 002580 - 2599. Has "Tramway offices" written on back of block in black ink.

2101.2 - Aa 002800 - 2849.

2101.3 - Aa 002952 - 2999

2101.4 - Aa 002611 - 2649

2101.5 - Aa 002393 - 2399. Has "Traffic ? ? " written on back of block in black ink.

2101.6 - Aa 002650 - 2699

2101.7 - Aa 002491

2101.8 - Aa002492

2101.9 - Aa002493

2101.10 - Aa002494

Inscriptions & markings

See notes re 2101.1 and 2101.5