
Demonstrates the Museums phasing out of tickets priced for the actual fare and conversion to a universal ticket that does not have to be changed for a fare increase.

Physical description

Block of 100 tickets - blue ink on off white paper, denomination 6d (6 or six pence), headed Ballarat Vintage Tramway. On rear in blue ink are details of the Ballarat Tramway Museum, slogan postal and web address. The 100 tickets have been stapled onto a heavy cardboard back with a heavy metal staple and a small cardboard retaining strip at the top of the ticket.

2235 - A 0001 to 00100 - the first block collected at the time of issue - 3/1/1991 - 81H x 36W

2235.1 - A20401 to 20500 - 2nd print run of tickets, collected at the time of issue 1/1/1994 - 81H x 36W - has two staples in the butt area.

2235.2 - A64901 to 65000 - 3rd print run of tickets, collected at the time of issue 12/2000 - 80H x 33W

The tickets are in the style of the former State Electricity Commission of Victoria tramway tickets. The 6d tickets used for child passengers, to save printing new tickets each time the fares changed. Commenced use Jan,\. 1991.