Physical description

Set of four cuttings from The Courier, Ballarat dated Saturday 13/7/2002 regarding the reintroduction of trams to Ballarat.

2239.1 - Front page with caption "Trams: 67% Say Yes", written by Alex Easton regarding a survey of 312 residents by the Courier. Also has a photo by Jeremy Bannister of former tram driver Alan Jeffreys at the controls of a tram in Wendouree Parade with Roger Salen in the background.

2239.2 - page 9 - Editorial written by Stuart Howie titled "Lets make sure we all get on the right tram" discussing the positive and negative attributes and problems of spending a large amount of money to return trams to Ballarat. Has a digitally composed photo of No. 13 in Lydiard St. North, showing destination "CITY" and a photo of the Eureka Stockade.

2239.3 - Page 4 - lead article titled "Trams would be bad for mall: manager", written by Alex Easton quoting David Nolan and the impact of trams on the mall, along with a cartoon about a tram ticketing machine being out of order. Cartoon by inkcinct. Also continues from page 1, lead article. Notes that readers can have they say on a web poll.

2239.4 - Page 8 - Letter to the Editor, by William J Hoath titled "Put tram plan to the vote", asking for any tram proposal to be put to the vote of ratepayers. Also on the side in a column titled "Short Takes", titled "Link lake to the tram line", provided by Joan C. Ryan of Ballarat.