
Demonstrates the Museum's ticketing systems and ongoing production of tickets.

Physical description

Block of 200 tickets - brown ink on off white paper, denomination 40c, headed Ballarat Tourist Tramway. On rear in brown ink are details of the Ballarat Tourist Tramway operating details, contact address and that it is operated by a volunteer organisation. The 200 tickets have been stapled onto a heavy cardboard back with a heavy metal staple. The cardboard on the back has a cross hatched pattern in a teal colour.

2256.1 - A0001 to A0200 (the first block collected at the time of issue 1/8/1977)

2256.2 - A71801 to A72000 - collected 28/12/2002.

2256.3 - A99801 to 100000 - collected 30/6/2004

The tickets are in the style of the former State Electricity Commission of Victoria tramway tickets.

Tickets in use as adult fare from 1/8/77 to 30/6/78 and as child return fares from 1/11/1985 to 30/11/1987. Child single ticket from 1/12/87 to 31/10/1998.

Fare structure of BTM/BTPS