
Demonstrates the Museum's ticketing systems and ongoing production of tickets.

Physical description

Block of 200 tickets - light red ink on off white paper, original denomination 5c, , headed Ballarat Tourist Tramway and over stamped "60c" in black ink. The 200 tickets have been stapled onto a heavy cardboard back with a heavy metal staple.

2307.1 - A050000 to 050199

2307.2 - A099800 to A099999

2307.3 - A094472 to A094599

The tickets are in the style of the former State Electricity Commission of Victoria tramway tickets.

Tickets originally printed for general use on the trams 1974. Later over stamped to act as 60c tickets to save printing new tickets. Tickets used as Adults, and Children (return). See btm Fare Schedule.doc 2307.1 - First block, collected at the time of first issue - Nov. 1980

See Fare structure of BTM/BTPS

Inscriptions & markings

Has "14" in ink on top left hand corner of ticket butt.