
Demonstrates the Museum's ticketing systems and ongoing production of tickets.

Physical description

Block of 100 tickets - green ink on off white paper, with ticket number in green ink denomination 50c, headed Ballarat Vintage Tramway. On rear in green ink is an advertisement for the Tram Family Restaurant, corner Macarthur and Drummond St. North. The 100 tickets have been stapled onto a heavy brown cardboard back with a heavy metal staple and a small brown cardboard retaining strip at the top of the ticket.

2210 - A000001 to A000100 (The first block collected at the time of issue 6/3/1988)

The tickets are in the style of the former State Electricity Commission of Victoria tramway tickets.

Tickets in use as adult return fare from 12/3/88 to 30/6/91 and child return fare from 1/7/1991 to 1/11/98. Note last block issued 8/1/1991. Would have commenced using overprints again until fare rise as needed.

See BTM fare chart, BTM Ticket issuing sheets.