Physical description

Book with 124 pages, missing original covers, titled "Official Programme and History of Ballarat for its Centenary Celebrations 1938 / One Hundred Years", comprising 8 signatures and side and stapled with three staples along the left hand side. Price 1/-

Features photographs of the city (images 2 and 3), Editor's Foreword, message from the Mayor J.H. Trekardo, a listing of daily events for each month in the history of the Ballarat and the year of the event, eg on page 20, August 18, "Electric Trams service commenced, 1905". Has many advertisements from local businesses, including the SEC (image 4) on page 25, the history of Ballarat gold mining, water, supply and other services.

Inscriptions & markings

"Edward Crimmins" on the top right hand corner of page 1 in ink. See Reg Item No. 2488 for a signature on the Membership receipt for H.P. James 1939 - Treasurer? of the Ballarat Historical Society.