Physical description

Set of thirteen colour photographs of the repair of the broken joint in Wendouree Parade as part of the track works in the area. Photos taken on 15 and 16/3/2003, printed on AGFA paper.

2555.1 - Gary Wood, Oedf Byslma looking at the excavated area, with sleeper cutting going on in the background.

2555.2 - Gary Wood and Alan Snowball, cleaning rails and the area, shows status, which was tight to gauge.

2555.3 - Removing sleepers.

2555.4 - First sleeper installed.

2555.5 - Cutting sleepers to length - Rolf Jinks and Andrew Mitchell.

2555.6 - Installing sleepers.

2555.7 - All 4 new ones positioned.

2555.8 - Cutting bolts from old plate.

2555.9 - Bending the rail.

2555.10 - Tram 33 at the temporary terminus.

2555.11 - Rail repositioned.

2555.12 - Installing the screw spikes - Gary Wood, Alastair Reither, Andrew Mitchell and Alan Snowball.

2555.13 - Welding the plates etc - 16/3/2003 - Alan Snowball.