Physical description

Thirty Six page, with glossy white cover and plain white paper inside - "The Tramway Record Vol. 54, No. 13 Sept. 1992" - with title in green ink and Australian Tramway and Motor Omnibus Employees Association logo on the front cover. Printed by the Victorian branch of the union. Features on the front cover a photo (see image) of the tramway holiday flats at Rosebud.

Other items featured are "Tram Stories" written by Frank Puls (Ballarat), pages 29 - 30, about his tramway driving days in Melbourne at Preston in the late 1950's and a photo of Frank standing next to W2 543 at Thornbury on 3/1/1963. On page 32 is a one page item about the Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society, and the former SEC Tramway Employees day on 3/10/1992 when the BTPS was celebrating 21 years. Features a photo of Barry McCandlish standing by No. 14 in front of the depot.

2nd copy added ex C. Dean 20/03/06