
Yields information about the rehabilitation of the Ballarat ESCo trams and new trams acquired and refurbished by the SEC from Melbourne and the interiors of these trams.

Physical description

Two Black and White photographs contained within Reg. Item 3000 - Photo Album produced by the SEC in 1935 titled "Photographs of Ballarat Tramways Rolling Stock & Track Reconditioning Works".

Two photographs of the front of a ex Melbourne M class car (one of the 30 - 33 series, most likely No. 30) given the seat behind the driver showing the re-arranged doors etc of these cars, following conversion. Shows the arrangement of the signs behind the driver, bells, doorways etc. Have an officer with hat sitting in the drivers position. Caption to the photograph typed on a piece of paper and adhered to the sheet under the two photographs is "Interior Views M.M.T.B. Car showing arrangement of entrances."