Physical description
3046.1 - Printed form titled "Revenue Journal", for recording the value of tickets sold by Conductors. Headed - Electricity Supply Depart, Provincial Tramways". Has value of tickets up to 7d, parcel tickets of 4d. Gives the opening and closing number of tickets or checks issued to the conductor, check returned by conductor, total number issued, value, returned by conductor, cash returned, Prepared in L (pound), shilling and pence format, or notes, silver and copper. Used in during the mid 1950's. Has space for hospital vouchers and area where signed by conductor. Printed on off white paper. Has form number TYE 1-280.
Two copies held.
On the rear of one sheet has written ink ticket denominations issues from 28/2/1963 to 1/1/1969 - seven different series, though first have then been crossed out. Repeat on second sheet. Gives value of tickets issued, including scholars and parcel tickets.
3046.2 - Lined foolscap sheet - hand written notes on fares up till June 1958, then through to 1/2/1969 - 6 different fare schedules. Has been folded into 8.