Document - Form/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), "Daily Traffic Revenue Statement", 1966

Physical description

3054 - Printed form titled "Daily Traffic Revenue Statement" of the SEC, Electricity Supply Department, Provincial Tramways, on off white heavy duty paper. Gives value of tickets up to 15c, , scholar and parcel tickets, special trams, value of tickets issues, cash paid in by conductor, value of tickets collected, surplus or deficiency and hospital vouchers and Outfit number of either side of the form. Has space for branch, as at date, with signatures of Compiler. Form has number TRM 583-1 (OP109) , with two large holes on left hand side for holding or filing into accounts books. Form ruled in blue ink horizontally and red ink vertically with some horizontal lines.

A similar form, printed only in black, without the holes also donated by Peter Watt. Has fare values up to 18c. Layout of form identical. This form has been imaged (i2) and passed onto to Bendigo Tramways.

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