Document - Hansard extract, Parliament of Victoria, "Ballarat and Bendigo Tramways - Proposed Abandonment", 2/10/1968 12:00:00 AM

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Extract Hansard, Legislative Council, 2/10/1968, titled "Ballarat and Bendigo Tramways - Proposed Abandonment". Sir Percy Byrnes moved that the proposed abandonment by the SEC be not made. Pages 471 to 494 reports on the speach by Sir Percy, I.A. Swinburne who seconded the motion, V.O. Dickie who opposed the motion for the Government. Others who spoke were , F. J. Granter, F.S. Grimwade, J.M. Tripovich. The Motion was supported by the Country and Labor parties who had the numbers in the upper house.

Pages have been torn from Hansard and stapled together in the top left hand corner.

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