Ephemera - Tour Notes, Victorian Railways et al, "Farewell to Bendigo Trams", Jan. 1972

Physical description

Set of 5 documents for the "Farewell to Bendigo Trams" tour conducted by the ARHS Vic Div and the TMSV, first scheduled for Sat. 12/2/1972, but delayed to Sat. 4/3/1972 due to SECV Power restrictions on the day.

3277.1 - documents 1 to 3 stapled in top left hand corner.

1. Tour circular, printed on pink paper with a photo of No. 28 at Golden Square terminus. Has logos of ARHS Vic Div and TMSV, part missing - used for booking. Gives details of the purpose of the tour, approx. times, refreshments, a booklet and fares. Organiser Victor Isaacs and Neil Morrow Booking Officer. Printed on foolscap paper in landscape format

2. Victorian Railways S Circular, or special train notice, S.224/72, single page giving train schedules, loads, motive power, carriage numbers and tickets. Signed by J.C. Crute as Chief Traffic Manager. Dated 19/1/1972. Printed on foolscap paper.

3. Ticket circular printed on quarto paper giving times of departure and arrival back, noting its express run to Melbourne.

3277.2 - documents 4 to 5, stapled in top left hand corner.

4. Set of two sheets, one printed on foolscap card paper, the other on foolscap paper, giving a graph of the tram workings, showing the special trams (tours A and B) overlain with the Saturday timetable. Dated 4/3/1972.

5. Victorian Railways S Circular, or special train notice, S.435/72, single page giving train schedules, loads, motive power, carriage numbers and tickets. Signed by J.C. Crute as Chief Traffic Manager. Dated 11/2/1972. Printed on foolscap paper. Noted that the special train of 12/2/1972 is cancelled "Due to SECV Restrictions". Has return train timetabled for 2 hours and five minutes.

(Additional copies of item 4 - graph on one sheet only and item 5 - added 3/10/2007 - ex Graeme Breydon materials)

3277.3 - Welcome Aboard Circular - red foolscap paper, giving train time summary, photostops, arrangements in Bendigo, Bendigo line history and tram tours.

Images of document added 27-08-12.

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