Physical description

Book, titled "101 and 1 ways to Save Money with Portable Compressors", published by Ingersoll-Rand Co. London, 120 page book, within yellow covers, centre stapled. Published 1929. On front cover has an colour picture of a large work scene with a the construction of a suspension bridge in the background. Details equipment that is available and the possible uses it could be put to, with numerous photos. Has a list of equipment, index and on last page a list of officers and directors.

Has been stamped on the top left hand corner with the ESCo Company stamp but overwritten in ink with a BTPS catalogue number and information. Stamped dated 23 Feb. 1934.

Inscriptions & markings

On front cover and page 1, hand written in black ink "Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society Catalogue No. 18".