Physical description

Instruction Book or Procedure Manual, 69 Foolscap page, Gestetner printed, contained within heavy card covers, top stapled (three staples), top sheet printed with title "Standard Procedure covering the Duties and Responsibilities of the Uniformed and Plain Clothes Traffic Officers". Compiled by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board, first adopted 1957, revised December 1962.

Has cover sheet signed by Traffic Manager, R. C. Drummond with six sections of procedures:

1. General

2. District Traffic Inspector's

3. Traffic Inspector's

4. Revenue Inspector's

5. Ticket Examiner - Depot Starters

6. Staff Signalmen (Batman Ave and Swanston/Victoria St.)

Inscriptions & markings

On top of first sheet in black ink "Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society Catalogue No 314."