banner - 1,000,000 miles, Jun. 1968

Historical information

Used on tram 27 to celebrate is "1,000,000" miles, but later work determined that there had a been an error in addition of the miles operated statistics - see reference for the background story. Two copies held. See item 9651 for a 3rd copy.


Demonstrates a banner to mark a tram that had been calculated to achieve 1,000,000 miles of running in Ballarat.

Physical description

Bammer - Painted on treated white linen, banner used to celebrate Tram No. 27, reaching 1,000,000 miles. Has wording in large red capital letters "This tram has just completed 1,000,000 miles in Ballarat". Fitted with metal eyelets in each corner and centre of top and bottom edges. See Reg. Item 3316 for photo taken by The Courier on 29/6/1968. Has been rolled around a tube with tissue paper for storage. Not known who made it - SEC or TMSV.
3315.1 - As above, held by the BTPS since 1971.

Inscriptions & markings

On rear in blue ink "Dash Banner, Car No. 27, 29th/6/68". Has pencil layout marks visible.

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