Physical description

Sixteen page printed report, stapled in top left hand corner, titled "Trams, Deficits move out as private buses move in", extracted from Truck and Bus Transportation March and April 1957, about the replacement of the trams in Geelong.

Written by a bus person.

Part 1 - Looks at the changeover from trams to buses, background to the tram service in Geelong, political issues, publicity, bus companies and areas operate, peak hour services, buses used, standards, traffic levels, miles operated, drivers viewpoints.

Part II - looks at the savings by bus operations, no fare subsidies at the time, gives a table of losses on Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong from 1931, track replacement costs, details of the three companies operating buses, Trans Otway, Benders and Corio Bus Lines and other operators in the Geelong region.

Obtained by Graeme Cleak from the Internet and copy given to Gavin Young

Scanned entire document and added 2/9/12.