
Letter used to provide information on leave entitlements and payment of retiring gratuity changes to the SEC staff in 1967. Signed by the SEC Secretary and SEC logo on top. Has R. Hall's name on top.

Physical description

Printed letter on foolscap paper - double sided - to SEC Staff from the SEC Secretary advising staff of changes to the SEC "Wages Employees Regulations and Information" to Long Service Leave Regulations, leave entitlement, termination of employment, retiring gratuity regulations and service grant regulations. Letter dated 7 April 1967, with effect from 21st Oct. 1966. Signed by F.P.Chipperfield. Has "R.F. G. Hall" in ink on top right hand corner. Has SEC logo on top of letter.

Inscriptions & markings

Has "R.F. G. Hall" in ink on top right hand corner.