
Demonstrates a document prepared by the SEC promoting the closure of the Geelong system. Yields historical notes and statistics on the Geelong Tramway system - very detailed information about tram use, services, staffing and routes and the costs of continuing the system in use.

Physical description

Sixteen page carbon copy foolscap document titled "Electricity Supply Department - Geelong Tramways Review 1953". Headings are: Early History, Creation of the SEC, Acquirement by the SEC, Agreements with Municipalities, SEC Act, Municipal By-Laws (Buses), proposed extension of the tramway routes, physical characteristics and changes at Geelong, Outlook of SEC as to tramways, Attempts to define transport future, review by the Geelong Tramway Operation by the SEC, tramcars, fares, staff and employees, trams used in normal traffic, daily mileage, average speed of services, service summary, passenger density, present outlook, prospective cost to be faced if existing system is continued, Possible improvements to the present system, extensions to the present tramway system, conclusions.

Probably prepared as one of the reports to be considered by Government in its decision to close the Geelong system in 1956. Parts of text have been used in Reg Item 3478 - Geelong history and statistics.

Very good reference document.

Inscriptions & markings

'BTPS 403" in top right hand corner.