Administrative record - Log book, Diary, Collins Bros, 1970


Yields information about the track maintenance activities of the track gang in Ballarat, the work they did, notes, names and other information.

Physical description

Collins Australian Diary, No. 324 printed by Collins Bros, dark blue card covers, sewn sections with ruled sheets providing a diary for 1971, one week per double page. Has "useful information" sheets at from the diary. Used by the SEC Ballarat track gang to record their daily work, leave, welding, track cleaning, truck driver etc. Names of gang often mentioned in the diary undertaking specific jobs and when on leave.

Last day work recorded - 24/9/1072.

Loose contents

Inside front cover

Workshop requisition to fill pot holes and note re rail requirements for Daylesford and Hamilton. Clip to page with metal paper clip.

29/8/1971 - note re account numbers and on rear of a pink requisition form - work list for gang.

12/9/1971 - Workshop Requisition form - green dated 6/5/1971

Inside rear cover

Circular for a Male Cleaner in Traralgon

Workshop Requisition for work at the Zone substation - Ballarat South

Circular to authorised drivers re used of defective vehicles. Has W. Vermeend name typed in top left hand corner.

SEC Long Service Regulations circular - has name D.Wiseman handwritten in top right hand corner.

5 sheets of blue carbon paper.

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