
Has a strong association with the opening of the depot extensions by the local member of state parliament and the BTPS work in celebrating the 10th year of the closure of the Ballarat Tramway system.

Physical description

Newspaper clipping from the Courier dated 21/9/1981, mounted on a sheet of an A4 sheet of scrap paper from a the Forestry department titled "Evans opens tramways extensions". Article notes the official opening of the BTPS extensions to the tramway depot my Mr. Tom Evans MLA on the Saturday 19/9. Quotes Mr Evans, Ballarat Mayor Cr. A.E. Hancock and Richard Gilbert General Manger of the BTPS. Also includes a Free Ride Coupon. Features photo of Tom Evans wearing a SEC cap at the controls of a single trucker.

Inscriptions & markings

"21/9/81" in blue ink on the headline area.