
Yields information about the events that can happen to a operating tramway - broken overhead wire. Lesser significance account quality of photograph.

Physical description

Black and White copy photograph of a newspaper photograph taken by The Courier 21/11/1960, published on 22/11/1962 of No. 37 near broken wire, Hamilton Avenue (copied from newsprint) - with conductor "guarding the fallen wire"

Collected by Alan Bradley from the Ballarat Courier early 1980's.

See Excel file "Record of Ballarat Courier Photos SEC era" (Archive Documents) for source of details.

Possibly Charles Wilkie - daughter of Deanne Robbins, 0488 135 137 - see file "Letter to D. Robbins re Charles Wilkie.doc", 22/8/2008 - with worksheet and other notes. Confirmed by Deanne Robbins 12/10/08 as Charlie Wilke - still alive and 89 years old at the time - see worksheet for copies of correspondence and notes.

Inscriptions & markings

On rear stamped "Copyright, The Ballarat Courier Proprietary Limited."