Historical information

Photograph taken by The Courier - photo taken 27/10/1971, published 28/10/1971 of the Removal of tramway overhead wire, Bridge & Main Sts corner. shows an SEC bucket truck with a workman removing the signalling cabling, with a policeman at either end of the truck providing traffic control. Shows the track in the street and the overhead junction. In the background is Gears Chemist, a fruit shop (Fruit Palace), Bank of New South Wales, and a Kodak advertisement on the chemist building.
Collected by Alan Bradley from the Ballarat Courier early 1980's.
See Excel file "Record of Ballarat Courier Photos SEC era" (Archive Documents) for source of details.


Yields information about removal, dismantling of the Ballarat tramway system overhead following closure of the system in Bridge St. Also shows the streetscape.

Physical description

Black and White copy photograph of a newspaper photograph.