
Yields information about the griding of wheels at the tram depot following the installation of a grinder by the SEC during the mid 1930's. Shows the nature of the work and set up.

Physical description

Black and White photograph, of the SEC Ballarat depot wheel grinder being used to grind the wheels of a single truck tramcar. Shows a pit man/machinist using the equipment with the drive belts and wheels moving. The machinist is dressed in heavy clothing. Shows the detail of the operation. Date unknown - possibly late 1930's after installation.

See Reg Item 1352* and 1353* for photos of the construction of the pits and the installation of the equipment.\

Man identified as Mr Vin Dalton

See btm3400doc.pdf for background to the donor and relationship to Reg Item 3806 - Vin Dalton. Record updated 24/6/2014 for information that appeared in the June 2014 issue of Fares Please!

See btm3806doc1.pdf for letter from family dated 20/7/14 with a donation. Record updated 3/8/14.

See Keith Kings, The Ballarat Tramways, page 36 and The Golden City and its tramways.