Physical description

Set of 9 black and white views of Bendigo printed on a folded strip, glued within a light grey colour light weight cardboard folder, titled "Bendigo Photographic Booklet". Booklet printed with an address area with title and kookaburras. Produced by The Valentine Publishing Co. Pty Ltd Melbourne & Sydney The rear has a slit on the rear cover that allowed the folder to be secured.

Pictures are:

1. Mitchell St

2. The Lookout Tower

3. Conservatory Gardens

4. Shamrock Hotel

5. The Lake, Upper Reserve

6. The Pall Mall

7. Civic Buildings

8. Soldiers Memorial Hall and Post Office

9. Alexandria Fountain, Bendigo with a single trucker, M class type tram, prior to alterations, but in SEC colour scheme of the mid 1930's

Made during 1940, with photographs of the 1930's as well given motor cars in the photo.

Inscriptions & markings

Has "D. Gilbert" in ink on cover.