
Demonstrates ticketing systems in Ballarat and in particular the use of a tourist ticket to enable people to travel around the whole of Ballarat on the trams. Yields information about the ticketting system and how surplus stocks were overprinted for future use. The same ticket stock could be used in all three of the SEC provincial tramways.

Physical description

Set of four SECV - Ballarat Tourist Tickets - 1/- on light weight card, light manilla colour - printed originally for the years 1944, 1945 and 1946, overprinted in red ink for 1947, 1948 and 1949. See Reg. item 499 for another example of the original ticket and Reg Item 2108 for another set of four tickets. Printed in black ink/ Ticket Numbers BA202592, 93, 94 and 95 in body of ticket. Static number (1 - 7) on left and right indicate when validated, the route used on. Each ticket has been stamped "CANCELLED"

Form No. TYE 2-17