Document - Annual Report/s, Warren Doubleday, "BTPS Annual Reports", 1990 to 1992


Demonstrates the production method of the BTPS documents, yields information about the BTPS Annual Reports and has a strong association with the author of the time.

Physical description

Original copies of the BTPS Annual reports used in printing copies for members. Prepared by Warren Doubleday at the time .

Printed by a laser printer and then pasted up with the captions, titles and photographs using Scotch Magic tape. Some yellowing of the tape or other tapes used is noticeable. At the time, these were then photocopied to produce the final copies.

.1 - 1989- 1990 - front cover, inside cover photos and pages 1 to 8. Financial statements and rear cover photographs not included.

.2 - 1990-1991 - the first of the A5 sized reports - pages pasted up for photocopying in a booklet form. The Annual report covers were separately printed. Ten sheets - reports and financial statements.

.3 - 1991- 1992 - pages pasted up for photocopying in a booklet form. The Annual report covers were separately printed. Ten sheets - reports and financial statements.

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