
Yields information about how the Ballaarat Tramway Company by-laws were displayed to the public and the users of the tramways. Has a strong association with the horse tram era and demonstrates methods of display.

Physical description

Printed original Ballaarat Tramway Co. horse tram by laws placed on a cut sheet of glass, for use in the trams themselves. Printed onto heavy paper/card. Facsimile (Reg Item 773) made from the item recovered from Horse Tram No. 1 in 1986.

Gives details of the Acts under which the by-law was made. By Law made by the City of Ballaarat, dated 6th April 1889. Gazetted 5 April 1889. Signed by the Mayor, J. G. McDonald, two Councillors William Little and David Cooke, and Town Clerk Geo. Perry.

The sheet of glass has been rough cut in places. To be stored and handled with great care.