
Yields information about the way the SEC marked the achievement of safety records by workers and yields information about the work of the SEC Ballarat tram depot.

Physical description

A flag or banner made for the SEC to enable an award to work sites that had achieved 100,000 man hours without an accident. Base materials for the flag is blue cloth with blue cotton seamed edges, the left hand side has been overlain by about 15mm to provide a part where a dowel or rope could be passed through. Has the 100,000 Man Hours area with a yellow paint overlay and the 100,000 hours in black paint. The Accident Free is in a darker yellow pain and the SEC Logo of the Electricity Supply Department is in the same yellow base with black lines.

On the rear is the Evan Evans manufacturing logo with the Olympic rings giving address and that they were the official flag makers for the XVIth (16th) Olympic games (Melbourne 1956) and the VIIth (7th) British Empire and Commonwealth Games (Perth 1962). This indicates the flag was made early to mid 1960's.

Was on display - Item to Display cabinet 02-04-01 on 12/7/2011 until 1/2017 - then to box 01-03-38.