document - Typed Notes, Dave Macartney, "Extracts from Tram Tracks/ Electric Traction", c1968


Yields information about Ballarat News items that appeared in two enthusiast magazines between 1948 and 1968.

Physical description

Seven pages, carbon copy, typed notes titled "Extracts from Tram Tracks/ Electric Traction" of items concerning Ballarat trams and tramways. Typed on yellow paper, scanned to black and white image.

1948 - January, February, March and June

1951 - February, August, September, Oct./Nove and December

1954 - December

1955 - April

1959 - January

1960 - July, November

1961 - February, April, August

1962 - January, March, June, October

1963 - January, February, April, May, July, September, December

1964 - February, May, October

1968 - June, July, September.

Prepared by and Donated by Dave Macartney 5/2011.

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