
Yields information about the instructions about Signalling system on Wendouree Parade and Bridge St - Forest City signals.

Physical description

Five page, foolscap duplicated document, stapled in the top left hand corner, titled Forest City Signals, undated, has letters S4 in top right hand corner of first sheet, giving details about the Forest City signalling system installed in Ballarat, particularly around Wendouree Parade and the depot. Explains how the system operates, gives instructions, details of the system, location of the loops, trams following each other, power failure. Also gives details of how the Bridge St system operated and the switch at Grenville St.

Note: The locations of the signals may not be not as detailed as in the Driver Training Manual - See Reg Item 3486.

Does not provide instructions for Lydiard St North or Sebastopol routes.

See also Reg Item 3456 for another similar copy.