
Has a strong association with the Ballarat Courier, through an editorial and gives its views on a possible takeover of the SEC tramways by the MMTB and whether trams should continue.

Physical description

Newspaper clipping from the Ballarat Courier - 11/6/1953, Editorial, titled "Ballarat Transport", looking at the possibility of the MMTB taking over the operations of trams in Ballarat, just moving the losses around, quotes Mayor Cr. A. W. Nicholson, about the roads. The newspaper notes that every where else is closing its trams and replacing by buses. Gives the view that changes in transport methods could be a solution.

See Reg Item 5647 for the newspaper cutting and report that resulted in this editorial.

Contained originally within Reg Item 5623 at the front of this note book. For items see btm5623 loose items list.pdf.