Physical description

.1 - Book - 56 pages + grey covers, side stapled, issued by the British Engineering Standards Committee "Electrical Machinery excluding motors for traction purposes", No. 72-1917, September 1917. Has "Commonwealth Engineer" label along the bottom edge.

.2 - Book 28 pages - light grey covers, side stapled, issued by the British Engineering Standards Association, "Insulating oils for use in Transformers, oil switches and circuit breakers" No. 148-1923, April 1923. Has a Tait Book Co. stamp along the bottom edge and ESCo date stamp 1 Oct. 1925. Printed by Gaylard & Sons London.

.3 - Book 72 pages - light grey covers, side stapled, issued by the British Engineering Standards Association, "Tungsten Filament Electric Lamps" No. 161-1925, August 1927. Has a Tait Book Co. stamp along the bottom edge and ESCo date stamp 15 Feb. 1928. Printed by Waterlow & Sons London.

.4 - Book 48 pages - light grey covers, side stapled, issued by the British Standards Institution, "Metal Sheathed paper insulated plain annealed copper conductors for electricity supply including voltage tests" No.1 48-1933, March 1933. Has a Tait Book Co. stamp along the bottom edge and ESCo date stamp 15 Feb. 1928. Printed by Waterlow & Sons London.