Newsletter, Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society (BTPS), "Fares Please!", 1974/1975


Yields information about the operations of the BTPS in 1974 and has a strong association with those involved., Yields information about the operations of the BTPS in 1974 and has a strong association with those involved.

Physical description

Set of 6 "Fares Please" printed for distribution to BTPS members as news. All printed by the Gestetner duplication process. Consolidated from other items or holdings from donations into a single year set of newsletters.
All produced during 1974.
.1 - Fares Please! January 1974
.2 - ditto April 1974
.3 - ditto June 1974
.4 - ditto July 1974, AGM notice and list of nominations etc.
.5 - ditto September 1974
.6 - ditto November 1974 to January 1975.
7 - part of a tour circular for a BTM Trip to Maryborough Show day, 26/9/1974.
All documents scanned as pdf images.

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