Yields information about the operations of the BTPS in 1976 and has a strong association with those involved., Yields information about the operations of the BTPS in 1976 and has a strong association with those involved.
Physical description
Set of 6 "Fares Please!" and other documents printed for distribution to BTPS members as news. All printed by the Gestetner duplication process. Consolidated from other items or holdings from donations into a single year set of newsletters.
All produced during 1976.
.1 - Fares Please! February 1976
.2 - Sales List
.3 - Appeal Sheet
.4 - Fares Please! April 1976
.5 - Fares Please! June 1976
.6 - Sales List
.7 - Fares Please! August September 1976
.8 - Fares Please! October 1976
.9 - Sales List
.10 - Fares Please! December 1976
All documents scanned as pdf images.