Demonstrates the Museum's ticketing systems and ongoing production of tickets.
Physical description
.1 - Block of 100 tickets, 1/-, Ballarat Vintage Tramway, A131001 to A131100. Printed on white paper, green ink with the ticket number in black ink. Stapled with a heavy staple at the top of the ticket onto a heavy brown cardboard sheet.
.2 - Block of 100 tickets, 6d Ballarat Vintage Tramway, A111001 to A111100. Printed on white paper, dark blue ink with the ticket number in black ink. Stapled with a heavy staple at the top of the ticket onto a heavy brown cardboard sheet.
On the rear is a note regarding the BTM and web contact details.
Fourth order of tickets, see Reg Item 1622 and 2235 for earlier tickets. 60,000 Adults and 40,000 child ordered at the time.
See pdf file, btm5964i2 for details of order.