
Demonstrates that methods and equipment use by the SEC to give destination information to passengers and later on advertising for events that passengers could access from the trams with a walk.

Yields information about an event and its location, but the date of the event is unknown at this time.

Physical description

Sign - painted onto a SEC (very similar to a MMTB auxiliary destination board of the type that could hang on the front of a Ballarat tram car with the words "Bell St Only" on the front and a paper advert on the rear for the Homes and Industries Fair, at the Drill Hall in Curtis St. Has another former painted advertising sign underneath.

Date of use not known at the time of acquisition. To be researched. Bell St was a destination on the Ballarat Destination roll, so it may have been used on trams which were not fitted with full destination rolls and then recycled by the SEC for advertising means.

Metal sign, fitted with metal hanging brackets, riveted to sign on both sides, made from about 1.5mm sheet steel.

Purchased by the Museum August 2015.