Newspaper, Glenise Kellett, "Tram Man's Miracle Escape in Collision", c2008


Yields information about the accident involving Mr Dave Kellett and details of the accident with tram 37 which resulted in its withdrawal from service.

Physical description

Set of four items associated with the accident with the collision between Ballarat No. 37 and a truck loaded with baled hops on Thursday 15 April 1954, the tram driven by David Kellett, conductor Herbert Ward. Probably published in The Courier, Friday 16 April 1954. Newspaper cuttings give details of the accident. Accident at the corner of South and Drummond Sts. Truck driver - Stanley Eaton

.1 -Newspaper cutting from The Courier with a photo of the front of the tram and the back of the overturned truck and the story - gives details of the crews, addresses and truck driver - note the story about the recovery of the tram.

.2 - photos of the scene, titled "Sweeping up the wreckage" - see Reg Item

.3 - cutting from The Courier, "In Retrospect" - dated 25/10/2008 - see 50 years about the Ballarat Victorian Aero club preparing to replace an old tramcar with a new building.

.4 - Hand written note about the removal of the tram from the aerodrome to a Mt Pleasant Tennis club house and Fred Heres, former trammie dismantled the tram for the club some time later.

.5 - Original of item .3 and an additional note re the cutting. Added 18-11-2018 - see images i5 and i6

See Reg item 5315 for the scanned image of the top photo in item .2

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