Document - Photocopy, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), "Bendigo Tramways - Rolling stock", 22/06/1959 12:00:00 AM


Yields information about the basis of the swap of tramcars that took place during Oct. 1960 between Ballarat and Bendigo and the reasons for it.

Physical description

Photocopy of a "file note" of a Conference at Bendigo on Thursday 28 June 1960 to discuss Bendigo tramways rolling stock. Gives background to the situation in both Ballarat and Bendigo, the condition of the trams in Bendigo, bogies, single truckers and Birney trams. Notes that the problem can be resolved by shifting two single truck trams from Ballarat to Bendigo and sending one bogie tram from Bendigo to Ballarat.

Gives list of people attending the meeting.

Photocopy provided by Andrew Cook 15-1-2015.

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