
Yields information about the tram operations at the intersection of Bridge and Grenville St and Sturt St.

Physical description

Five (5) Digital images taken by George Coop during the period 1968 - 1970, of SEC trams in the Grenville St area.

.1 - Tram 31 crossing Grenville St to pick up passengers in Sturt St - the shelter in the foreground and the Woolworth's Big W store in the background.

.2 - Tram 17 picking up a passenger at the Shelter, with the Dickins store in the background. Tram has a "Make Bliss not Love" roof advert and has a destination of Gardens via Sturt St West.

.3 - Tram 13 - as for .1

.4 - ditto with 12 in the City Loop - in the background are the Magnet Bakery, Begonia City Butch and Gilbert and Jury shop.

.5 - Tram 26, in Bridge St, with the points at Grenville St in the foreground. Tram has the destination of Gardens via Sturt St West. In the background are the shops for Faull's shoes and Suttons HMV.